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ACTION 5: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES INTRODUCTION It was yesterday night when I was about to go for a good night sleep that I received a call from one of my friends. He is now about 40 years of age and was furious that why God has not given him opportunities that others from our friends group have got! In-spite of doing hard work all these years, why his life is just average when other friends are enjoying great lifestyle even without much efforts. As a friend, it was my responsibility

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(ACTION 4: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES) WHERE ARE YOU BUSY, DEAR? Recently I happened to meet a young boy who has come from a small village to a big city in order to make a good future. He is working during the day to earn a living and doing his studies part time. On examination, I found that few of the days in a week he is free for about 3 to 4 hours. He told me that he is willing to achieve big in life but has no guidance. I

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(ACTION 3: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES) INTRODUCTION: We are now talking about the 3rd action in the series of Personality Development.  Once you set your goals and start creating a focus on your goals, you may face several challenges. Creating focus may not seem too easy. You are willing to concentrate your energies on your goals, but, somehow your mental status keeps you adrift from your goals. This happens because you have already developed a habit of spending your time on certain activities. Now, all of a sudden it is not

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(ACTION 2: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES) 1. WHAT IS FOCUS? After reading my previous blog on dreams and goals, one young member of my family called me. His challenge was that although he has big goals and he is working on many of the actions suggested in the blog, but still he is nowhere near his goals. We discussed his dreams, goals, and actions. He is presently working with an MNC and busy for 9 hours a day. In order to achieve his ambitious goals, he has to use his spare

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(ACTION 1: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES) 1. WHY DREAM? When I was in lower classes of school, my father and mother used to have dreams for me. They used to say that soon I shall become an influential person and have a great lifestyle. I shall have a beautiful wife. We shall have a car and bungalow and servants etc. etc. They used to help me spend time with successful people in our family and surrounding. So, from childhood, I became a dreamer and it helped me to live a lovely

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Sushant Singh Rajput: We Love You

INTRODUCTION: The whole nation is shocked to learn about the suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput. From media news, I understand that he had serious challenges in the Bollywood industry. The fact is that challenges are faced by people in all walks of life where there is competition. Then the question is that why seemingly intelligent people take such harsh decision? A thought is coming to my mind. It is true that we can’t reverse such incidences. But we can surely do something to help people overcome their life threatening situations

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