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Sometime back, I was to deliver a lecture to newly admitted engineering students in a College during their induction program. I was discussing the challenges faced by students with their teachers. Nowadays, there are several engineering colleges as a result of which admission has become very easy in these institutions. The challenge in such an environment is that of low self-image and also conversion of study medium from Hindi to English.

We planned to carry out an exercise with all the students and their teachers. Everyone was given a sheet of paper and at the top was printed: I CAN’T DO. They had to write all those activities which as per their thought process, were not possible for them to do. Some of them could write 2 or more pages. In the middle of the auditorium, a funeral bed was ready. All the I CAN’t DO sheets were placed in the bed and the last rights were performed. A photograph of I CAN’T DO was garlanded by the Director of the Institution and a speech was delivered: “I CAN’T DO has left for his heavenly abode today after staying with us since our childhood. However his siblings, I CAN and I WILL are there and we assure you that we will take care of them with our full energy. May I CAN’T DO rest in peace forever.” Photograph of I CAN and I WILL was also placed on the wall. 



Since that day if any student tells the teacher that he or she can’t do something, the teacher reminds him/her that I CAN”T is no more now. And the student is automatically forced to think: I CAN and I WILL.


At the time of birth, a child does not know what he/she can or cannot do. Initially in order to protect him/her from the dangers like fire, electric currents, road traffic, etc. parents teach him what not to do or try. But slowly several other fears are also placed in the little mind that you can’t do this or you can’t do that. These inputs are given not only by parents but also by teachers, relatives, or neighbors.

In case you want to win the battle of life then it is essential to come out of that programming and start believing that you have the talent to do anything, provided you take the proper guidance to do it.


In your daily life, if you stay vigilant you can find numerous examples where people have come out of the programming and reprogrammed their lives to I CAN and I WILL. I am writing two examples here which will make some sense in this regard:

  • ARUNIMA SINHA: She was pushed from a running train by robbers as she resisted them. The whole night she kept lying on another track from which more than 40 trains passed by. Ultimately her right leg was amputated and she got a prosthetic leg. After she was discharged from the hospital, she did not go home but went straight to Bachendri Pal to get her blessings as she had taken a bold decision. She removed all her I can’t and became the first female with a prosthetic leg to climb Mount Everest at age the age of 19. By now she has climbed the peaks of all the continents. She has been awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India, has authored a book, and is a motivational speaker.
  • GUL PANAG: She won the Miss India title in 1999 and participated in the Miss Universe pageant in the same year. She is an actress and a model. With all this to her credit, she decided to earn a pilot’s license for flying planes. She was told by several persons that getting a pilot license is not her cup of tea and it would not be possible for her. But she decided that she can do this, And, with that programming, she could really get success in the field of flying as well.





Friends! Your challenges are more internal than external. If you are willing to do something great, something extraordinary, then it is essential to overcome your internal fears. Start believing in yourself. The Almighty has given us all the required capabilities. Once you believe that you can do it, just start your journey. You will automatically get all the resources required to take you to your destination.

A word of caution here. Failures will be there on your way. You need not abandon your journey when you observe a failure. Just, learn from the failure. Every failure will teach you a lesson. Take your lesson, get up and move ahead. If you don’t quit and continue your journey you will be successful.


There is a need to refuse to accept most of the “I can’t do’s” in our life. There always are ways to achieve big things in life. The condition is to believe that it can be done by proper planning and implementation.

Dr. Lokesh N Rai





5 Responses

  1. Your articles are very inspirational and useful, it helps me to solve different situations and difficulties in life in the right way.

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