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MENTAL CLARITY: It was during the counselling session of a young adult that proved to me, once again, the importance of mental clarity. The guy was having a 6-hour permanent job and had set a goal of earning X amount out of part-time jobs in 12 months. He had a successful coach who had prepared a monthly action plan for his consistent growth. Six months have passed and his problem was that his income has not increasing even by 10 % of X and he was feeling that the next

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DOES YOUR PROFESSION MATCH WITH YOUR PASSION? Your profession may be anything from a high-profile job to a lucrative business. It is possible that you have landed there either by planning or by default. Some of you who are fully satisfied with the current situation may still feel that you are actually made for something else or something better. A few of you may compromise and stay where you are today. But if you are ambitious, you are searching for ways to change your path, to do what you think

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THE UNAVOIDABLE SERIES OF DISTRACTIONS: Covid 19 has broken the back of many hard-working people. A few days back, a young couple was with me for counseling. They have been putting in a lot of hard work but their challenges were never-ending. Over and all, the pandemic has worsened their condition a step further. On critical examination, I found that: He was working in a bank for the last 7 years but lost his job during the first wave of the pandemic when he avoided attending his duties for a

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HAVE YOU CLOSED YOUR DOORS? Oh Yes. He is my good friend. We have spent quite some time together enjoying life. He is a hard-working IT professional and was working in the IT city, Bengaluru. Somehow he lost his job. Then he started his search for another IT job but things were not getting materialized. However, sometime back he had cleared a written exam for the banking sector and was lucky enough to get selected, and posted at Jaipur. He joined at Jaipur and was feeling happy initially as he

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INTRODUCTION During the 1965 India Pakistan war, we had to shift our home from near the Jodhpur defense airport to a far away location. There was a break of about 3 months in my education. I had to change my school and just after getting admission, the half-yearly exams were there. Due to a gap in studies, I could not perform well and was upset. A day after the result was communicated; I was standing with my father over a bridge facing a flowing river. I threw a piece of

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INTRODUCTION When I was working in BHEL, a young engineer was posted with me. I found him to be quite intelligent, hard working and sincere. For the growth of a person in the Organization, it is essential that he/she accepts challenging assignments and obtain positive results. So, I offered him a task for which I was sure that he could accomplish the same. And, of course, I was there to help and guide him. He accepted and started working on it. The initial progress was good but after a few

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