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Ceiling is Truly Unlimited.

Today I remember Rozan Rolf, who met with an accident at the age of 3 years while on road with her father. Both of her legs were amputed and she lived on artificial legs for rest of her life. Relatives and friends of her parents used to visit her and sympathize them as they felt that she would not be able to have a normal life.
Her morale remained very low till the age of 18 when suddenly a thought came to her mind that God has cut her legs but kept her mind intact. So why she cant use it and do something great.
By her positive thoughts, she ultimately became a great athlete and won several gold medals in Olympic games even in one of the toughest events, swimming.
Just think, if Rozan did not use any excuse and became a great athlete; what excuses do we have in life? Let us really believe that CEILING IS TRULY UNLIMITED, break all barriers and reach your goals to achieve big in life.


8 Responses

  1. Very Good.Keep writing Blogs.In fact I was also thinking for a long times to write out our invaluable experiences in the form of blogs.
    Ramkrishna G0swami

  2. God has given enormous strength but it depends as to what extent we use them , this specially applies to disables wherein their ability excell to beyond imagination It is only their Thought process
    My friend Vijay Joshi is also doing excellent writing work in the area of Management, drawing his subjects from our present and past happenings ,
    Your blog is excellent and keep on writing

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