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PROVE MYSELF: From My Memoirs, Part 1:

PROVE MYSELF: INTRODUCTION: I was in 7th class and the calendar was showing year as 1965. I was a student of Residency Middle School. The school was situated just opposite my home and was separated only by a road. At that time, I was small enough to understand the meaning of: prove myself. Indo – Pak war broke suddenly during middle of the session. My home was very near to Jodhpur Air-force base. There used to be complete black out in the nights. Home guards used to blow siren when

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परिस्थितियों से मुकाबले की शक्ति..

विजयी युवती की कहानी.. …उसने जीवन में हमेशा विजय हासिल की। …उसने साइकोलॉजी में डिग्री की पढ़ाई करते हुए ताइक्वांडो में ब्लैक बेल्ट हासिल किया। …वह एक स्कूबा डाइवर है तथा गहरे पानी में सर्फिंग करती है। …उसने टक्सन शहर में 64 कि.मी. की साइक्लिंग प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया जहाँ 5 पर्वत श्रेणियां थी जिसमें से एक 9000 फ़ीट की ऊंचाई पर थी। …10000 फ़ीट की ऊंचाई पर स्पोर्ट हवाई जहाज उड़ाने हेतु पायलेट प्रमाण पत्र उसने अर्जित किया है।  …वह एक लेखिका है तथा उसने 20 देशों में यात्रा

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Winning Story of a young lady: She has always been winning in life. And, she….      …has earned black belts of second and third degree from American Taekwondo Association while doing her bachelor’s studies in Psychology.      …participated in 64 km (40 mile) El Tour de Tucson, one of the largest road bicycling events in the United States in 2014. The route weaves through and around the city of Tucson which is surrounded by 5 mountain ranges, three of which rise over 9000 feet.      …is a

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Her Challenge: She was travelling in a train. Robbers came inside and started looting the passengers. Most of the passengers surrendered. But she was a sports girl. And she had the spirit to fight them.  As such she defied & challenged them. But she was thrown out of the train by the robbers. She fell on the nearby train track. It was dark outside and no body was there to help her. She remained on the railway track in the night for several hours. A large number of trains passed

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I recall a day when I was studying for my graduation in Engineering. There was a numerical question on vibrations and most of us were not able to solve it. We went to our topper and asked for his help. He tried a lot but could not solve it. We all decided that this is a question which should be left in choice as even our topper has no solution for this. Just two days before the written exam, it came to my mind that what will happen if this

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Ceiling is Truly Unlimited.

Friends, Today I remember Rozan Rolf, who met with an accident at the age of 3 years while on road with her father. Both of her legs were amputed and she lived on artificial legs for rest of her life. Relatives and friends of her parents used to visit her and sympathize them as they felt that she would not be able to have a normal life. Her morale remained very low till the age of 18 when suddenly a thought came to her mind that God has cut her

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